I’ve largely taken a break from writing while our family undergoes a major transition from Malawi back to the United States. Stay tuned to the newsletter, however, because I hope to get back in the routine of writing as soon as we get settled.
Until then, I wanted to share a podcast episode featuring yours truly discussing the pseudepigraphal book of 1 Enoch.
The pastors of our home church have started preaching through Genesis, and this past Sunday Pastor Kory preached about Enoch from Genesis 5. In recent years, the book of 1 Enoch, also known as Ethiopic Enoch or the Apocalypse of Enoch, has become more well-known and a source of fascination among lay people.
I was glad to get to answer some of the questions Kory received after his sermon on Sunday. Hopefully, I brought some clarity about the Enochic writings and, especially, about Jude’s usage of Enoch.
If you’re interested in an example of how we can read Second Temple literature in a way that brings clarity to our reading of Scripture, see my recently released book Persecution and Cosmic Conflict: The Biblical-Theological Reading of Genesis in Galatians.